sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009

Do Pé ao Grão de Café Parte III

Café Natural Bóia

Básicamente este tipo de café é bem parecido com o Natural, a diferença é que parte de sua secagem é feita no próprio pé do café. Essa fruta pode ser colhida junto com boa parte dos maduros e no processo de lavagem são separados, pois como seu nome indica, por densidade bóia .

O tipo de bebida resultante desse processo pode ser bem interessante ou desastroso, nós do Café do Moço estamos na caça de um exemplar desse tipo de café para vivenciar aos nossos apreciadores essa experiência Fantástica.

(Foto do site SWEET MARIAS)

Abaixo o comentário do Tom, empresário do Sweet Marias sobre esse tipo de café.

"Raisin Coffee Microlot? I'll explain that in a bit. The Moreninha Formosa is from Serra do Salitre, a high plain in Cerrado Miniero, Minas Gerais state. At 1200 meters, the Serra do Salitre has better altitude than most of Cerrado proper, which averages 800-900 meters for coffee production. Moreninha Formosa is a choice plot on the much larger Fazenda Aurea, and within the MF plot, certain patches were chosen for this Raisin Coffee Micro-lot. This means that the ripe coffee fruit was allowed to dry on the coffee tree, a technique that is only possible in an arid climate that has a dramatic shift from wet to dry seasons, and plots with good sunlight exposure to ensure even drying. This also meant that all the coffee had to be selectively hand-picked, the norm in many origins, but NOT in Cerrado Brazil where coffee is mechanically harvested. And in fact, this lot was harvested from the middle to top of each tree, because they lower branches are too shaded and cool for effective tree-drying. After the selective picking of the Raisin coffee cherries, the plots were mechanically harvested and the remaining cherry sold at a pittance. Hence, to "cherry pick" the Raisin Micro-Lot, it meant losing money on the rest of the coffee, and unforeseen cost associated with this effort. After harvest, the coffee was put on raised beds for additional drying, in the African tradition. This allows for dry air to circulate all around the coffee, evenly and thoroughly evaporating moisture from the ripe coffee cherry. And that's the second key here; ripe cherry. Hand-picking of raisins meant uniform ripeness. It's a bit theoretical, but the reason behind all this is the notion that the longer a coffee cherry remains in contact with the tree, the more sugars are produced in the fruit. Allowing it to dry while still a part of the plant system is pushing that idea to it's extreme. The results are quite interesting though. Lighter roasts have potent fruited character, darker roasts add a thick, bittersweet chocolate overlay. The C+ roast has fragrant, rustic sweetness; muscavado sugar, dried peaches, banana, and fig. The wet aroma is more complex at the lighter roast too, whereas dark FC+ roast level has a super-intense, monolithic chocolate character. The cup is very aggressive, brutish, bittersweet. Contrary to the aromatics, I like the darker roasts for the cup flavors. The lighter roast has more descriptors, baked peaches, melon, earthy spice notes. But the sheer intensity of bittering chocolate, tobacco, and thick body at FC+ makes it a heavyweight contender. FC-FC+ roasts have intense body, thick, with well-knit toasted coconut, nut and chocolate flavors (... a Mounds candy bar?) I tried a melange of the two roasts 50% C+ and 50% FC+, but I still favor the hefty, powerful cup of the straight darker roast level."

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